Hi! Welcome to Spiral Zoom.

My name is Allison. I’ve created an approach to learning about evolution that is playful and character based.

As a young person, I was involved with theater and film making. I came late to the world of science. Science classes in school didn’t catch my imagination. My interest in evolution stemmed from my life long love of seashells and the desire to understand how spiral shapes form in nature.

In my work the epic of evolution is told as a story that is full of inspiring characters, creativity, and resilience in the face of hardship.
I work with illustrators to develop visual metaphors that help make complex information easier to digest. This DNA illustration is an example of how my teaching materials are a mix of science and imagination.

Early in my career I worked on PBS documentaries. More recently I’ve been a graphic designer and project manager for a variety of financial institutions and companies that specialize in medical imaging.
Today, I’m a science communicator with a Master’s degree in Educational Design from New York University (NYU).

I’ve presented my concepts at prominent education venues such as the Big History Conference in Amsterdam, Chautauqua Institution, and various Unitarian Churches.
Societies and Memberships:
- Board Member of the Chautauqua Science Group
- National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
- The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI)
- The Manuscript Society (a group that studies archives and libraries)
- Women in Toys (WIT) - a group that supports female inventors and entrepreneurs